

The presence of an alarm system in the area we want to secure is a prerequisite for activating the services of the Spartan Security Alarm and Video Signal Reception Center.

Selection of the alarm system which is most suitable and reliable for the area is not a simple issue, the questions that arise in the process of making this decision are many. For this reason, we recommend that, prior to the purchase and installation of the security system, you carefully collect information about the type of system you need (wired, wireless), its origin (brand, country), whether it is covered by a warranty, and whether it has an ISO certification.

Of course, the selection of technician/installer to install the system is particularly important, as he should have technical training as well as a professional license, which is issued by the Hellenic Police, following checks of his criminal record, use of drugs, mental problems and other issues that make the technician unsuitable to be trusted on security issues. So, ask him to show you his license and possibly some samples of other projects, before telling him which room he should concentrate on, or before you show him where you keep your valuables.

Remember to ask the installer, before he leaves, to instruct you on your alarm system’s operation, i.e. arming, disarming, zone bypass, etc. It is essential to know the basic functions of your security system so you can deal more directly with any problem that may arise. Also, do not forget to check out after-sales service and repair procedures in the event of a breakdown.

If you have already planned to install an alarm and are interested to connect to the Signal Reception Center, all that is required is an inspection of the system you have planned to install for connection suitability to the ASRC. Please note that Spartan Security equipment is compatible with any type of alarm system unit, regardless of manufacturer.

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